DFDesign bright ideas for design

phone: +44(0)7771 676967 / email: here

Portfolio of previous work

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    Cumbria Credits

    Cumbria County Council wanted to upgrade the existing logo for Cumbria Credits, an Adult Education resource.

    Ignoring the tempation to use the local geography in the logo, we chose instead to focus on the two letter Cs.

    • See the colour progressions for different categories of education
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      Key Reels

      A local firm contacted us to provide a logo for their new key-reel business. They wanted a clear, fresh logo that also showed the concept of the key-reel.

      In a crowded marketplace, this logo helps to make their product stand out.

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        Posh Beauty

        Sole trader Hayley wanted a poweful logo to enhance her growing beauty business.

        Mindful of the need to keep the project on budget, we only produced one design - luckily Hayley loved it, and her business is evolving and expanding nicely.

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          Granary Cottage

          Granary Cottage is a delightful holiday home in the heart of Suffolk. The owners decided that they wanted to update the self-made promotional materials, and drafted us in to come up with a range of collateral.

          • We created a new logo, then designed and printed some leaflets, price lists, cards and stationery - all at cost-effective prices.